Saturday, June 03, 2006

Vampiric Sleeping Habits

Well, isn't this exciting. It's 5:26AM, and I can't at all sleep, having been in bed since just after midnight. And yet, in a couple of hours, getting up will be a major mission.

I have never been able to sleep at night. My parents tell horror stories of staying up all night trying to get me to settle, and then being unable to get me up in the morning when they needed to get to work - day after day after day. And that was before I could talk. That continues to this day, many many years (nevermind exactly how many) later.

This nocturnal behaviour is not something I've leaned, it seems to be intrinsic. It could be said that it's not my fault, but that would mean that I can't do anything about it. So here's my goal: This coming week, I will lie in bed, doing absolutely nothing else (not even updating my blog) beween the hours of midnight and 7am (*). At 7am, or earlier if I wake up and it's light, I will drag my carcass into the shower.

Perhaps my body will then realise that that's all the time it's going to get to sleep, so it had better take advantage of it.

Wish me luck :/

(*) Yes, I know that's only 7 hours a night. I've tried sleeping exactly 8 hours a night, and I've had even more trouble getting to sleep (and staying asleep) than usual; as a result, I've never been so tired. Sleeping only 7 seems to work better.


Blogger The Retro Seamstress said...

Good for you! Sounds like a good plan. You definitely need to achieve sleep as the lack of it is affecting your ability to even spell sleeping.

The trick will be getting you to not do anything for seven hours straight. We may need to lock you to the bed.

So how goes it? It's now Monday morning. Progress report?

8:53 am  
Blogger Escheresque said...

Damn it! I checked that post again and again for spelling mistakes. Obviously I forgot to glance twice at the title.

This morning was spectacularly unsuccessful, I'm afraid. I finally remembered to go to bed at about 2am, but I remember the little numbers on the clock saying 4:00 before I got to sleep. I woke up at about 9:30, and sulked until 11.

I'm not sure that being tied to the bed counts as doing nothing....

1:16 pm  
Blogger The Retro Seamstress said...

If it is any consolation I suffered from title spelling error in my first blog post.

Being tied to the bed only counts as doing nothing providing there is not someone doing you.

I was mainly thinking of it as a method of preventing late night registry work, blogging, harp tuning, compulsive leaf sweeping etc..

You could always try going cold turkey on caffeine to see if that helps. Maybe just limit yourself to caffeinated beverages between 7am and midday (on the same day) to start with and see if it makes a difference.

If all else fails there is always sleeping pills.

1:34 pm  

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