Monday, August 27, 2007

Moving house

So I'm moving to the big smoke.

The move is slow. Who'd've thought that I had so much stuff?? Well, my Dad did for one. He's trying to fit everything he can into my little car, filling every nook and cranny, in the (as yet vain) hope of getting his garage back. Meanwhile, Mum is trying to fill my car with pre-cooked meals, because she doesn't believe that I'll eat left to my own devices. She's wrong of course (wine is food, isn't it?? I'm sure I've got a coaster somewhere that says so).

Had my first guests this evening, of what I hope will be many - although perhaps not all at once, as it's only a small unit. Not yet organised enough to actually spend the night there. Maybe tomorrow. Or maybe Tuesday.

Want to come visit? Call me!!


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