Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A new start

I expect that most people who read this already have a fair idea what's going on in my life, but for completeness sake I'll mention my new job.

Having been turned down by Google, I decided that I'd get a local job and save some money for a year or more, before heading to Europe to work or study for a couple of years. I thought I'd get a good, well paid, not-too-angsty job that could support my savings regime and an inner city apartment.

Well, the job I took is none of those things.

I'll be working as a Natural Language Programmer (no point asking me exactly what that entails as yet) for a start up company in the Sydney CBD, earning well under market rates. That said, it sounds like a really interesting job. I'll combining natural language and computer science; the meeting of the waters, you might say.


Blogger James said...

You neglected the most vital bit of information - who you'll be working for!

Does it perchance happen to be a company whose name begins with V and had a bunch of publicity today?a

4:50 pm  
Blogger Escheresque said...

Err... nope. Can you give me a link to some of the publicity?

10:49 am  

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