Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nothing in particular

Why do posts always have to have a title?

I'm thinking of resurrecting Mathematique, seeing as I'm back into pure maths for work at the moment. Last semester was calculus, and it was just too hard to write in HTML. My HTML-FU it pretty low, unfortunately. I know there are funky things you can do with MATHML and stuff, but after half and hour I couldn't get it to work so I gave up. Weak, but whatever.

I've added a new feed to the sidebar - my shared items from Google Reader. Anyone who cares what I'm reading can check it out. It'll probably consist mostly of xkcd comics that I find particularly amusing. It may end up being just a mirror of their feed, come to think of it.

Tuesday night I caught a bus out to Ashfield for Annabel's party. Miss Krin got on the bus, so I said hi. We chatted. She's going to England in July. Oh, so am I. When does she leave? The 28th June, in the evening. Oh, so do I. What airline is she flying? Cathay Pacific. Oh, so am I. What time? You can guess the rest.

Then we moved so we didn't have to talk over someone, and sat across the aisle. Right behind Delphne, who was expounding about something to her friend oblivious to our shoulder tapping until we were almost hitting her.

And I thought Wollongong was too small.

Oh, and I'm sick. Again. Or should I say still? Breathing hurts. Poor me.