Friday, May 11, 2007

Back in the job market

Well, that was an interesting adventure. But it's over now.

After getting my second warning last night, I decided to jump rather than be pushed. Management don't seem to have any real appreciation for the challenges involved in getting machines to "understand" or at least "respond appropriately" to human language, and that made for unrealistic expectations from me. Tellingly, they've been through quite a few people for this position. So I'll just be one in a list of "NLP guys who've left". Whatever.

Back to trawling, I suppose.


Blogger AutumnHeart said...

Bummer - but your assigment was definitely one of the more difficult (and not yet proven possible) areas out there, so if they had no idea of that, then leaving is probably the best thing.

You could always work on it as a side project then sell it to them for milions when you get it to work! :)

I hope you find something good soon - did you want me to let you know if anything turns up round my way?

11:10 pm  
Blogger Escheresque said...

If you would, yes please. That said, I'm pretty much just going to hang out at Uni for the rest of the year, I think. If I can cut down my expenses enough!

2:12 pm  

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